Generate, Delete and Rewrite: A Three-Stage Framework for Improving Persona Consistency of Dialogue Generation

Haoyu Song, Yan Wang, Wei-Nan Zhang, Xiaojiang Liu, Ting Liu

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Dialogue and Interactive Systems Long Paper

Session 11A: Jul 8 (05:00-06:00 GMT)
Session 12B: Jul 8 (09:00-10:00 GMT)
Abstract: Maintaining a consistent personality in conversations is quite natural for human beings, but is still a non-trivial task for machines. The persona-based dialogue generation task is thus introduced to tackle the personality-inconsistent problem by incorporating explicit persona text into dialogue generation models. Despite the success of existing persona-based models on generating human-like responses, their one-stage decoding framework can hardly avoid the generation of inconsistent persona words. In this work, we introduce a three-stage framework that employs a generate-delete-rewrite mechanism to delete inconsistent words from a generated response prototype and further rewrite it to a personality-consistent one. We carry out evaluations by both human and automatic metrics. Experiments on the Persona-Chat dataset show that our approach achieves good performance.
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