Enhancing Pre-trained Chinese Character Representation with Word-aligned Attention

Yanzeng Li, Bowen Yu, Xue Mengge, Tingwen Liu

Abstract Paper Share

Machine Learning for NLP Short Paper

Session 6B: Jul 7 (06:00-07:00 GMT)
Session 7B: Jul 7 (09:00-10:00 GMT)
Abstract: Most Chinese pre-trained models take character as the basic unit and learn representation according to character's external contexts, ignoring the semantics expressed in the word, which is the smallest meaningful utterance in Chinese. Hence, we propose a novel word-aligned attention to exploit explicit word information, which is complementary to various character-based Chinese pre-trained language models. Specifically, we devise a pooling mechanism to align the character-level attention to the word level and propose to alleviate the potential issue of segmentation error propagation by multi-source information fusion. As a result, word and character information are explicitly integrated at the fine-tuning procedure. Experimental results on five Chinese NLP benchmark tasks demonstrate that our method achieves significant improvements against BERT, ERNIE and BERT-wwm.
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