S2ORC: The Semantic Scholar Open Research Corpus

Kyle Lo, Lucy Wang, Mark Neumann, Rodney Kinney, Daniel Weld

Abstract Paper Share

Resources and Evaluation Long Paper

Session 9A: Jul 7 (17:00-18:00 GMT)
Session 10B: Jul 7 (21:00-22:00 GMT)
Abstract: We introduce S2ORC, a large corpus of 81.1M English-language academic papers spanning many academic disciplines. The corpus consists of rich metadata, paper abstracts, resolved bibliographic references, as well as structured full text for 8.1M open access papers. Full text is annotated with automatically-detected inline mentions of citations, figures, and tables, each linked to their corresponding paper objects. In S2ORC, we aggregate papers from hundreds of academic publishers and digital archives into a unified source, and create the largest publicly-available collection of machine-readable academic text to date. We hope this resource will facilitate research and development of tools and tasks for text mining over academic text.
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