Hooks in the Headline: Learning to Generate Headlines with Controlled Styles
Di Jin, Zhijing Jin, Joey Tianyi Zhou, Lisa Orii, Peter Szolovits
Summarization Long Paper
Session 9A: Jul 7
(17:00-18:00 GMT)
Session 10B: Jul 7
(21:00-22:00 GMT)
Current summarization systems only produce plain, factual headlines, far from the practical needs for the exposure and memorableness of the articles. We propose a new task, Stylistic Headline Generation (SHG), to enrich the headlines with three style options (humor, romance and clickbait), thus attracting more readers. With no style-specific article-headline pair (only a standard headline summarization dataset and mono-style corpora), our method TitleStylist generates stylistic headlines by combining the summarization and reconstruction tasks into a multitasking framework. We also introduced a novel parameter sharing scheme to further disentangle the style from text. Through both automatic and human evaluation, we demonstrate that TitleStylist can generate relevant, fluent headlines with three target styles: humor, romance, and clickbait. The attraction score of our model generated headlines outperforms the state-of-the-art summarization model by 9.68%, even outperforming human-written references.
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