A Two-Step Approach for Implicit Event Argument Detection

Zhisong Zhang, Xiang Kong, Zhengzhong Liu, Xuezhe Ma, Eduard Hovy

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Information Extraction Short Paper

Session 13A: Jul 8 (12:00-13:00 GMT)
Session 15A: Jul 8 (20:00-21:00 GMT)
Abstract: In this work, we explore the implicit event argument detection task, which studies event arguments beyond sentence boundaries. The addition of cross-sentence argument candidates imposes great challenges for modeling. To reduce the number of candidates, we adopt a two-step approach, decomposing the problem into two sub-problems: argument head-word detection and head-to-span expansion. Evaluated on the recent RAMS dataset (Ebner et al., 2020), our model achieves overall better performance than a strong sequence labeling baseline. We further provide detailed error analysis, presenting where the model mainly makes errors and indicating directions for future improvements. It remains a challenge to detect implicit arguments, calling for more future work of document-level modeling for this task.
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