Story-level Text Style Transfer: A Proposal
Yusu Qian
Student Research Workshop SRW Paper
Session 1A: Jul 6
(05:00-06:00 GMT)
Session 15A: Jul 8
(20:00-21:00 GMT)
Text style transfer aims to change the style of the input text to the target style while preserving the content to some extent. Previous works on this task are on the sentence level. We aim to work on story-level text style transfer to generate stories that preserve the plot of the input story while exhibiting a strong target style. The challenge in this task compared to previous work is that the structure of the input story, consisting of named entities and their relations with each other, needs to be preserved, and that the generated story needs to be consistent after adding flavors. We plan to explore three methods including the BERT-based method, the Story Realization method, and the Graph-based method.
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