Reasoning with Latent Structure Refinement for Document-Level Relation Extraction

Guoshun Nan, Zhijiang Guo, Ivan Sekulic, Wei Lu

Abstract Paper Share

Information Extraction Long Paper

Session 2B: Jul 6 (09:00-10:00 GMT)
Session 3B: Jul 6 (13:00-14:00 GMT)
Abstract: Document-level relation extraction requires integrating information within and across multiple sentences of a document and capturing complex interactions between inter-sentence entities. However, effective aggregation of relevant information in the document remains a challenging research question. Existing approaches construct static document-level graphs based on syntactic trees, co-references or heuristics from the unstructured text to model the dependencies. Unlike previous methods that may not be able to capture rich non-local interactions for inference, we propose a novel model that empowers the relational reasoning across sentences by automatically inducing the latent document-level graph. We further develop a refinement strategy, which enables the model to incrementally aggregate relevant information for multi-hop reasoning. Specifically, our model achieves an F1 score of 59.05 on a large-scale document-level dataset (DocRED), significantly improving over the previous results, and also yields new state-of-the-art results on the CDR and GDA dataset. Furthermore, extensive analyses show that the model is able to discover more accurate inter-sentence relations.
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