KinGDOM: Knowledge-Guided DOMain Adaptation for Sentiment Analysis
Deepanway Ghosal, Devamanyu Hazarika, Abhinaba Roy, Navonil Majumder, Rada Mihalcea, Soujanya Poria
Sentiment Analysis, Stylistic Analysis, and Argument Mining Long Paper
Session 6A: Jul 7
(05:00-06:00 GMT)
Session 7A: Jul 7
(08:00-09:00 GMT)
Cross-domain sentiment analysis has received significant attention in recent years, prompted by the need to combat the domain gap between different applications that make use of sentiment analysis. In this paper, we take a novel perspective on this task by exploring the role of external commonsense knowledge. We introduce a new framework, KinGDOM, which utilizes the ConceptNet knowledge graph to enrich the semantics of a document by providing both domain-specific and domain-general background concepts. These concepts are learned by training a graph convolutional autoencoder that leverages inter-domain concepts in a domain-invariant manner. Conditioning a popular domain-adversarial baseline method with these learned concepts helps improve its performance over state-of-the-art approaches, demonstrating the efficacy of our proposed framework.
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